Thursday, April 8, 2010

Introduction: Nice to meet you

Well Hello everyone! How is life treating you? Well, I hope. Who am I? I am the "Incredible Juggling Mommy"! HA-HA. Okay Okay so I don't know how to juggle literally. On a serious note though my name is Heaven. Yes that is my real name and no I am not a stripper. HE-HE.

Why do I call myself "The Incredible Juggling Mommy"? Well that would be because everyday I juggle a million and one things to ensure my family and home are in tip-top shape, all while trying to squeeze in time for me and my writing.

So, I'm not really a professional writer. I haven't published any of my work but I am working on it. I have completed a YA Fiction Novel called Vineyard House which I entered into the ABNA's. What are the ABNA's you ask? Ah, well my dear, every year and Penguin Books get together and hold a 6 month long contest searching the world for the next great writer.

That writer wasn't me. I got booted in the second due to lack of editing. I already knew it would happen, I just hoped they would look past it and see my potential. I am sure you can see from this writing I am by no means an English expert. Where to place a comma versus a semi-colon confuses me and just basic editing services can cost upwards to thousands of dollars.

I will get there some day damn it! In the mean time I'll continue writing the two novels I am working on in between cooking, cleaning and making sure my house doesn't fall apart around me. AHH, the joys of being a housewife with a dream.

This is my life. As you keep reading my blogs you'll learn more about it.

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