Friday, April 16, 2010

WOOHOO I am so excited today! My hubby finally has a weekend off this week. He really hasn't had a day off since before christmas. What makes it even better is my mom has my son so its just us today. We plan on hoping on his motorcycle and going for a ride since the weather is supposed to be absolutely gorgeous today. Which also means no housework today! I love it when everything falls into place.

I know I complain about housework alot. But it can be a pain in the butt especially trying to squeeze in homeschooling my son. What really kills me is the lack of a dishwasher. For the past 7 years I have done dishes purely by hand so it takes me awhile to get through them. I spend more time doing dishes than I do dusting or any other chore.But the most dreaded chore is what I call "The bathroom of DOOM".

It just doesn't matter how often I clean my bathroom it's just always a wreck. My husband will come home to a spotless bathroom & some how figure out how to destroy in less than ten minutes. Then my son will go in just to make sure it gets really hammered. But that is why today is so special.I don't have to think about my day to day life. Today I am biker bitch extrodinaire, cruising the highway with the wind in my face, my arms around a total hottie and no six year old telling me what time I have to be home.

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